Navigating Peer Dependency Woes with npm i –legacy-peer-deps


When working with Node.js projects and managing dependencies using npm, encountering peer dependency issues is not uncommon. One solution to tackle these problems is the --legacy-peer-deps flag in the npm i (install) command. In this blog post, we will explore what peer dependencies are, why they can cause installation problems, and how the --legacy-peer-deps flag comes to the rescue.

Understanding Peer Dependencies

Peer dependencies are a way for a package to specify that it relies on another package, referred to as a peer dependency, to be present. Unlike regular dependencies, peer dependencies are not installed automatically. Instead, the package expects the consumer to install a compatible version of the peer dependency. This allows for more flexibility in managing dependency versions and helps prevent conflicts between different packages relying on the same dependency.

The Challenge with Peer Dependencies

While peer dependencies offer flexibility, they can also introduce challenges, especially when different packages require different versions of the same peer dependency. By default, npm uses a strict algorithm to resolve peer dependencies, ensuring that the installed versions align perfectly. However, this strictness can lead to installation errors when versions don’t match precisely.

The --legacy-peer-deps Flag

To address these challenges, npm introduced the --legacy-peer-deps flag. This flag signals npm to use an older, more lenient algorithm for resolving peer dependencies. This legacy algorithm allows for greater flexibility in matching versions, potentially resolving installation issues that might occur with the default strict algorithm.

Using the Flag

To use the --legacy-peer-deps flag, simply append it to the npm i command:

npm i --legacy-peer-deps

Cautionary Notes

While the --legacy-peer-deps flag can be a helpful tool, it’s essential to use it cautiously. The more lenient algorithm it employs may lead to the installation of potentially incompatible versions of dependencies, introducing unforeseen issues in your project. Consider it as a last resort and explore alternative solutions before resorting to this flag.

Best Practices for Dealing with Peer Dependencies

  1. Update Dependencies: Check if there are newer versions of the packages causing peer dependency conflicts. Updating to the latest versions might resolve the issue without resorting to the legacy flag.
  2. Contact Package Maintainers: Reach out to the maintainers of the packages facing peer dependency conflicts. They may provide guidance or updates that address compatibility issues.
  3. Manual Dependency Resolution: Manually inspect and adjust the versions of conflicting dependencies in your project. This may involve specifying specific versions or ranges in your package.json file.


The --legacy-peer-deps flag in the npm install command is a useful tool for overcoming peer dependency issues in Node.js projects. However, it should be used with caution due to potential compatibility risks. Understanding peer dependencies, exploring alternative solutions, and following best practices will help you navigate through dependency conflicts more effectively in your Node.js projects.

Managing Technical Debt in C#: Best Practices and Strategies for a Maintainable Codebase


Software development is an ever-evolving process with many considerations to be taken. One of these considerations is the accumulation of tech debt, which can be a major burden on development teams. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of tech debt and how it applies to C# development.

Technical debt is a term used to describe the cost of maintaining and fixing the code of a software system over time. It is a result of making shortcuts and trade-offs during the development process in order to meet deadlines, save time and budget, or make a product available to the market as soon as possible. However, these shortcuts can accumulate over time and make the code base more difficult to work with, leading to increased maintenance costs, reduced quality, and reduced agility.

Technical debt can be thought of as a loan that needs to be paid back with interest. The longer it takes to pay back the debt, the more it will cost in the long run. Therefore, it is important to keep technical debt under control and to address it as soon as possible.

Why does Technical Debt Occur?

Here are a few examples of technical debt in C#:

Code duplication

Duplicated code is a common source of technical debt. This happens when developers write similar code multiple times instead of creating a reusable function or class. This increases the amount of code to maintain and makes it more difficult to make changes that affect multiple parts of the codebase.


public void printMessage1()
    Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

public void printMessage2()
    Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

Instead, the code can be refactored to use a single method:

public void printMessage()
    Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

Poorly named variables and functions

Variable and function names that are unclear, misleading, or not descriptive can make code difficult to understand and maintain.


public void calc(int a, int b)
    int c = a + b;

Refactored code

public void calculateSum(int firstNumber, int secondNumber)
    int sum = firstNumber + secondNumber;

Hardcoded values

Hardcoded values are values that are embedded directly in the code, making it difficult to change them later. This creates technical debt because if the value needs to change, the code must be updated in multiple places.


public void calculateTax(int salary)
    int tax = salary * 0.1;

Refactored code

private const double TAX_RATE = 0.1;

public void calculateTax(int salary)
    int tax = salary * TAX_RATE;

How to Manage Technical Debt in Software Development

In order to manage technical debt effectively, it is important to adopt a proactive approach. Here are a few best practices that can help you keep technical debt under control:

  1. Regular code review: Regular code reviews can help identify and address technical debt early on. Code review is a collaborative process where code is reviewed by other team members to identify any areas that could be improved.
  2. Automated testing: Automated tests can help catch bugs and issues early on in the development process, reducing the amount of technical debt that is accumulated. It also helps to ensure that changes to the code do not break existing functionality.
  3. Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD): CI/CD helps to ensure that code changes are automatically built, tested, and deployed. This helps to catch issues early on in the development process, reducing the amount of technical debt that is accumulated.
  4. Refactoring: Refactoring is the process of changing the structure of code without changing its functionality. It can help to reduce technical debt by making code more maintainable, easier to understand, and easier to change.
  5. Establish clear coding standards: Having clear coding standards can help to ensure that all code is written in a consistent and maintainable way, reducing the amount of technical debt that is accumulated.
  6. Plan for technical debt: Finally, it is important to plan for technical debt. This means considering the long-term impact of shortcuts and trade-offs during the development process, and making sure that there is a plan in place to address technical debt when it arises.

It is also important to keep in mind that technical debt is not always a bad thing. In some cases, taking on technical debt can be necessary in order to meet deadlines or bring a product to market quickly. The key is to make informed decisions about when and how to take on technical debt, and to have a plan in place to address it in a timely manner.

When taking on technical debt, it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. The impact on the codebase: What is the long-term impact of the shortcut or trade-off on the codebase? Will it make it more difficult to maintain or change in the future?
  2. The potential return on investment (ROI): What is the potential return on investment from taking on this technical debt? Will the product be more successful or profitable as a result?
  3. The cost of paying back the debt: What is the cost of paying back the technical debt in the future? Will it be worth it in the long run?
  4. The timeline for paying back the debt: When will the technical debt need to be paid back? Can it be addressed in a timely manner?

By considering these factors and making informed decisions about when and how to take on technical debt, you can help ensure that your codebase remains maintainable and of high quality over time.

In conclusion, technical debt is an important aspect of software development that should be taken seriously. By following best practices, making informed decisions about when and how to take on technical debt, and having a plan in place to address it, you can help ensure that your code is maintainable and of high quality, and that the long-term costs of maintaining and fixing code are kept under control.