2 books 🙌

I’ve completed reading couple of books this year so far.

1. “Let’s Talk Money” by Monika Halan

2. “Deep Work by Cal Newport

“Let’s Talk Money” by Monika Halan

“Let’s Talk Money: You’ve Worked Hard for It, Now Make It Work for You” by Monika Halan serves as a comprehensive and accessible guide to personal finance for the Indian audience. Halan deeply breaks down complex financial concepts into digestible pieces, covering essential topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, insurance, and retirement planning. With a focus on empowering readers to take control of their financial destinies, she provides actionable advice and real-life examples, making the book an useful resource for individuals seeking financial security and prosperity in India’s dynamic economic landscape. Someone new to personal finance can read this book completely, experienced people can skim and read the book and finish it quickly. Overall it’s a good read.

“Deep Work” by Cal Newport

“Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World” by Cal Newport explores the value of deep, focused work in an age of constant distraction. Newport argues that the ability to concentrate without distraction is becoming increasingly rare and valuable in today’s knowledge economy. I personally use pomodoro technique to do deep work in my day to day activities. Author is famous for his Ted talk on topic to quit the social media and the impact it creates. Even though the book mainly discuss about deep work, i feel the important topic discussed quitting the social media. I would suggest one should regularise their social media usage and maintain proper digital well being and use the benefits of social media wisely.

I have few more books in queue to read later this year 🫶

Happy Reading!

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