Building a FastAPI Project in Visual Studio Code: A Comprehensive Guide


FastAPI, a cutting-edge Python web framework, offers a perfect blend of speed and simplicity for API development. In this detailed guide, we will meticulously walk through the process of establishing a FastAPI project within the sophisticated Visual Studio Code environment. From environment setup to API execution and debugging, this guide covers each step with precision.

Setting Up FastAPI

Commence by crafting a virtual environment using python -m venv venv and subsequently activating it. Install FastAPI and Uvicorn using the command pip install fastapi uvicorn.

# Set up a virtual environment
python -m venv venv

# Activate the virtual environment (Linux/macOS)
source venv/bin/activate
# Activate the virtual environment (Windows)

# Install FastAPI and Uvicorn
pip install fastapi uvicorn

Creating a FastAPI Project in Visual Studio Code

  1. Initiate Visual Studio Code, form a dedicated project folder, and access the integrated terminal.
  2. Navigate to the project directory (cd <project_directory>).
  3. Initialize a Python project using the command python -m venv .venv.
  4. Activate the virtual environment based on your operating system.
  5. Install FastAPI and Uvicorn with the command pip install fastapi uvicorn.
# Initialize a Python project
python -m venv .venv

# Activate the virtual environment
# (Refer to your OS-specific instructions)

# Install FastAPI and Uvicorn
pip install fastapi uvicorn

Creating a Basic API

  1. Establish a new Python file, for example,
  2. Import FastAPI from the fastapi module.
  3. Instantiate a FastAPI app with app = FastAPI().
  4. Define a function with the @app.get decorator to specify a route.
  5. Ensure the function returns a string or a structured data format, such as JSON.
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

Running and Debugging the API

  1. Open the integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code.
  2. Execute the Uvicorn server with the command uvicorn main:app --reload.
  3. The server starts and automatically reloads upon code modifications.
  4. Implement breakpoints within your code.
  5. Initiate debugging through the menu option Debug > Start Debugging.

Viewing API Results

  1. Make note of the displayed URL once the server is operational (commonly
  2. Utilize tools like Postman or curl to transmit requests to API endpoints.
  3. Analyze the API’s response within the respective tool interface.


In conclusion, this guide provides a meticulous walkthrough of setting up a FastAPI project in Visual Studio Code, encompassing environment configuration, API creation, and debugging intricacies. Be sure to reference the provided URL and leverage testing tools for a comprehensive API development experience.

Additional Tips

  • Enhance clarity with judicious use of code snippets.
  • Augment understanding through Visual Studio Code screenshots.
  • Facilitate continuous learning with curated links to FastAPI documentation and tutorials.

Embark on your FastAPI journey with confidence, leveraging the power of Visual Studio Code for seamless and robust API development.

Happy Coding!

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